Group Members
Hang Zeng
Postdoc (2022 Fall - Present)
Million Tafesse Bedso
Postdoc (2024 Fall - Present)
Eka Oktavia Kurniati
B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering. Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
M.Sc. Aerospace Engineering. Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Research Interests:
Experimental and computational analysis of 3D printed concrete materials as sustainable materials.
PhD Student (2022 Fall - Present)
Federico Pederson
B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering. University of Arizona
Research Interests
Primarily interested in additive manufacturing and sustainability of construction composites in extreme environments. This includes use in low-resource environments such as space or remote areas of the world. Additionally interested in material characterization using confocal Raman imaging.
PhD Student (2022 Fall - Present)
Thomas Tawiah Baah
Bsc. Materials Science and Engineering.
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Research Interests
Computational materials science, with a focus on utilizing computational tools like Machine Learning and Density Functional Theory (DFT) to investigate the properties of cement binders and their applications in sustainable construction.
PhD Student (2023 Fall - Present)
Saleh Ali Khawaja
MS Civil and Environmental Engineering. Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
BS Civil Engineering. International Islamic University, Islamabad (Pakistan)
Research Interests
Relies on the development of low-carbon, energy-efficient construction binders with the composition of supplementary cementitious materials, waste products, and energy-efficient materials.
PhD Student (2024 Fall - Present)
Shruti Singh
Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
Research Interests
Development of Sustainable and Low-Carbon Construction Materials, Concrete Chemistry, Structural Health Monitoring and Non-destructive Testing
PhD Student (2024 Fall - Present)
Ryo Sakamoto
B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering. Yokohama National University, Japan
M.Sc. Civil Engineering. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Research Interests
Clarification of the properties and mechanisms of an alternative material to cement (geopolymer), and space applications of cementitious materials.
VIsiting PhD Student (2023 Fall - 2024 Spring)
Yanchen Oinam
B.Tech. Civil Engineering. Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, India
Research Interests
Low carbon construction materials (Material characterization).
Visiting PhD Student ( 2023 Fall - Present)
Nikolai Nelson
B.Sc. Civil Engineering
Undergraduate Student Researcher
(2023 Fall - Present)
Laurinne Blanche
B.Sc. Materials Science and Engineering
Undergraduate Student Researcher
(2023 Summer - 2023 Winter)
Reuel Marcial Folrendo
B.Sc. Civil Engineering
Undergraduate Student Researcher
(2022 Fall - 2023 Fall)
Cynthia Navarro
B.Sc. Architectural Engineering
Undergraduate Student Researcher
(2024 Spring - Present)
Ruben Rivera
B.Sc. Civil Engineering
Undergraduate Student Researcher
(2023 Fall - Present)
Liam Ellersick
B.Sc. Materials Science and Engineering
Undergraduate Student Researcher
(2024 Spring - Present)
Lily Josephine Hall
B.Sc. Civil Engineering
Undergraduate Student Researcher
(2024 Summer - Present)
Anna Lucille Fravel
B.Sc. Systems Engineering
Undergraduate Student Researcher
(2024 Fall - Present)
Andrea Molina
B.Sc. Civil Engineering
B.Sc. Mathematics (Applied Emphasis)
Undergraduate Student Researcher
(2024 Fall - Present)